Trademark Clearinghouse


The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is the first stop for protecting your trademarks as the new TLDs become available. The TMHC is a trademark database that is maintained and validated by a third party. A single trademark submission to the TMCH provides TM owners with two important services that apply to all new TLDs.

Register My Trademark

Sunrise Service

Each new TLD will go through a 60-day "Sunrise" phase before it becomes available to the general public. During Sunrise, only people with TMCH-verified trademarks will be eligible to register domain names. Having an entry in the TMCH is essential to TM owners who are interested in purchasing any of the new TLDs before they become available to the general public.

Claims Service

Claims service keeps trademark holders informed of possible infringement during the first 90 days that any new TLD is available to the public. If someone attempts to register a domain that has a corresponding TM in the TMCH, the registrant will be required to acknowledge the potential infringement and will be advised to seek legal counsel. If the registrant proceeds with the registration, the owner of the TM will be notified.

What you need to do to participate in the Trademark Clearinghouse

More in-depth information on Trademark Clearinghouse functions, including validation requirements, available protections, and fee structure, can be found here. If you have specific questions please contact the Trademark Clearinghouse's support team directly. If you review this information and decide to register your trademark(s) with the Trademark Clearinghouse, you'll receive an "SMD" file upon verification. This file will allow you to participate in Sunrises at for any new TLD that we carry. The Claims service will be managed directly by the TMCH.