Hi there!
My name is Allison Chowdhury and I am thrilled to be joining Name.com as the new copywriter! I was tasked to create an introductory post so you can learn all about me, but after reading this work of art, I’m a bit daunted by the task of making this post as exciting as possible.
After extensive contemplation (OK, more like five minutes), I figured I’d just list random facts about myself and hope for the best. So without further adieu, I present 10 things you didn’t know about me.
1. The first thing I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a pink fox. My desire to be a copywriter came a little bit later down the line.
2. I have a Bachelor of Arts in journalism and technical communication and a Bachelor of Science in apparel and merchandising.
3. I spend a lot of time baking (and even more time trying to pawn off all my baked goods to other people).
4. I really, really like sloths. For my 22nd birthday, I had to opportunity to meet and pet one and it was pretty much the best day of my life.
5. And on that note, this is one of my favorite GIFs.
6. Colin’s Bear Animation is my all time favorite YouTube video … it will change your life.
7. I overestimated my ability to come up with exciting things about myself. Why didn’t I choose a nice low number like eight? Eight would have been totally acceptable. (Editor’s note: Yeah, we would’ve accepted eight.)
8. I like to hum my own theme music to myself while performing menial tasks. This is usually done unconsciously and concerns those around me.
9. If I could be any kitchen appliance I would be a KitchenAid mixer because they are multifunctional and awesome, but they also come in lots of cool colors. “What kind of kitchen appliance would you be and why?” is also my favorite icebreaker question.
10. All jokes aside, I truly am excited for the opportunity to join the Name.com team!