Google Inbox is a new email product for Gmail that completely changes the whole email experience on both mobile and web. It’s currently an invite-only service, but Google just made it easier to get an invite. If you have a Google Apps for Work account, you can now request an invite for your entire company.
Google is intentionally rolling out the service quickly, with a focus on early adopters and now company admins. The Google Apps for Work account admin will need to send an invite request to [email protected], and then they’re on their way to being an Inbox tester. Google has said that invites will start being sent on in March.
Google has said that the goal of Inbox is to totally rethink how people get things done online. This is a goal and vision that makes a lot of sense when you think about how much email usage has changed since email was introduced, and how email client functionality has remained mostly stagnant.
Since only admins can request invites, make sure that you’re requesting your invite from your admin account.
Are you going to request an invite for your company?