The Sunrise and Pre-Registration periods for the .GAMES domain name starts as of today, with its release to General Availability just a couple months away. This domain is a great option for gamers, athletes, and board game lovers who want to create a URL dedicated to games of all kinds.
How to buy a .GAMES domain
During Sunrise period, only verified trademark owners who are validated by the Trademark Clearinghouse can register a domain name that matches their trademark. So if you have a trademarked company, game, console, or something else related to the sports or gaming industry, you can register a .GAMES domain for it before anyone else.
If you do not have a trademark for the domain you want to register, you’ll have to be patient for a little while longer. Early Access for .GAMES (where you can pay a premium to register a domain before everyone else does) begins on Sept. 14 and General Availability starts on Sept. 21.
Who should use a .GAMES domain?
The .GAMES domain can be used in a number of creative ways to make your URL stand out. If you relate to any of the following groups, then this domain is a great choice for creating a memorable online presence.
Twitch users and live streamers
If you enjoy streaming video gameplay to fans and followers, a .GAMES domain is an ideal way to brand your channel and encourage repeat viewers. A custom URL makes it easy to direct viewers to your channel and put a unique spin on your videos.
Sports leagues
If you’re in a local league, a .GAMES domain is a great option for sharing scores, arranging scrimmages, and finding recreational teams in your area.
Professional gamers
Anyone who games for a living can benefit from having a professional web presence that uses a .GAMES ending. A domain like can be used for a personal website or forwarded to a streaming channel.
Board game enthusiasts
If you’re known for your aggressive Monopoly strategy or winning combos in Cards Against Humanity, .GAMES is a great option for board game lovers of all kinds. Forward a URL to a board game-centric Meetup groups or sell vintage board games with a .GAMES website.