Written by Ethan
Here’s 5 random facts about working at Name.com
Working at Name.com is quite the adventure...so we thought we would share some fun facts about the experience. Here's what it's really like.
4 Name.com tools to simplify domain management
We have a few features at name.com geared towards making your life easier. Use these tools to simplify domain management in your account.
Hosting 101: Pointing a domain to Name.com Hosting
Setting up hosting might seem scary, but it's much easier than it seems. Here's a stap by step guide on how to do it correctly.
New Domain Ninjas | Nurseries, vacation homes, and social media stars
Nurseries, vacation homes, and social media stars are all featured in this issue of New Domain Ninjas. Check them out for yourself.
Office email chain: Too many haikus
We were hit by a sudden bout of inspiration and have been writing many haikus. Our marketing director got a little too into it.
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