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April 14, 2015

Video Killed the Radio Star | The Dawning of .VIDEO

Periscope. Meerkat. YouTube. Vimeo. Vizzy. Video is everywhere. Everyone is producing video content, but now you have an edge. You can share your video with a .VIDEO domain name.

I’m actually taking a video of me writing this blog while watching the video we shot of the video ‘Video Killed the Radio Star.’

What will .VIDEO do to the TV star? Only make them better, hopefully, as a new generation of Internet producers loaded with cheap tools and phone cameras are rapidly gaining on them.

But precedent says they should be OK, as what should have been a somber occasion, the death of a radio star, turned out to be a boon for radio. Sure, Video Killed the Radio Star was the first to air on MTV in 1981, but it was a massive radio airplay success. Not only that, Geoff Townes and Trevor Horn of The Buggles would go on to perform with rock juggernauts Yes and Asia, with both bands cranking out classics still played on the radio today. So no one died. It was a coming of age for an expanding new medium in video, as is the New Domain name .VIDEO. .VIDEO is currently available for Preorder, and will be available for standard registration on May 6, 2015.


THAT SAID, you need a good place to share your video content. You need the best place to position your visual efforts. Whether you’re a business, an organization, or an upstart individual hellbent on getting your skills out there, a .VIDEO domain name is the memorable and professional way to dish out your telegenic self.

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