Creating your own website is easy in theory: you just buy a domain, choose a hosting service, and slap some content on a page. Done and done.
Sadly, this is easier said than done. You may select what you think is the perfect WordPress theme only to realize that your feature slider is way too big. Or, you could find that your initial vision of a show-stopping fuchsia and teal color scheme looks garish rather than trendy.
Luckily, the internet is full of tools that can help the floundering web designer find direction. Whether you’re struggling with HTML or just need some design inspiration, these tools can be a major life saver for website beginners.
If you need to make some adjustments to your HTML or CSS, W3Schools is the place to go. Take advantage of their free tutorials to learn the basics, or use their extensive reference tools to figure out how to code a solution.
Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine is an all around great resource for web designers and developers. The site features tips on design, mobile optimization, user experience, and more to help you create a standout website.
If you want to create a wireframe for your website ahead of time, this font can improve the look of your mockup. Rather than using your standard Lorem ipsum, BLOKK font creates graphic fields that indicate where your copy will go without cluttering up the page with unreadable text.
Colour Lovers
This website lets you browse and create color palates. Check out beautiful palates uploaded by other community members, and easily find the HEX numbers for colors you want to use in your own color scheme.
If you’re not sure exactly what kind of theme you want on your website, creating a mood board can help you determine what styles you like best. Niice provides searchable imagery that can be added to custom mood boards and shared with others.
Hex Colorrrs
Need to figure out how to convert a HEX color to RGB or vice versa? You can easily do so with the Hex Colorrrs tool. The website also generates endless colors and their HEX numbers at random to provide little extra inspiration.
If you need some imagery to fill an empty space on your website, you can use Vectorstock to find and download royalty-free vector images and art along with photos, illustrations, and graphics.