If your domain has transferred from your current registrar to Name.com without your permission, please provide us with the following information in an email to [email protected]:

  • Domain names that transferred to Name.com. It is very important that Name.com receives a full list of the domain names you believe were stolen.
  • Has the registrant email address (as shown in the domain’s Whois information) been compromised? (If you're unsure, you can check the domain’s Whois information - https://lookup.icann.org/en.)
  • Your complete contact details. Please include your contact information to assist in our review of your claim. Include the following information:
    • Name
    • Street address, city, state, and zip code
    • Phone number
    • Email address
  • A PDF scan of your government-issued photo ID. This can be your driver’s license or your passport. This is an important piece of information we require for our investigation. It allows us to verify your identity and confirm your ownership of the domain. If possible, we ask that you submit a scan of your identification that contains an English translation of your name.
Should we require additional information we will contact you. You may be asked to present us with a notarized document verifying your identity, indemnifying Name.com from any legal liabilities, and asserting your ownership of the domain names.

We also ask that you have your current registrar send an email to [email protected] with confirmation that your account was compromised and the domain names transferred without authorization. Name.com will take all the necessary steps to validate the claim and provide appropriate assistance.