Tagged with General

Random Acts of Kindness: MOTSCRAK Denver

8 August, 2014

We had a man on the street spreading random acts of kindness throughout the Denver area. Here's why we did it and what happened.

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Google is making SSL Certificates a bigger priority in search rankings

7 August, 2014

Including a SSL certificate in your website might help your search engine rankings. Here's why Google's new algorithm favors websites with SSL.

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Super Corporate Blog Post: We joined the NASDAQ with Rightside

Super Corporate Blog Post: We joined the NASDAQ with Rightside
5 August, 2014

Something pretty big happened--we were invited to ring the NASDAQ closing bell, which is kind of a really big deal. Here's the details.

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The Oatmeal was temporarily shutdown by ICANN: here’s how to avoid having this happen

The Oatmeal was temporarily shutdown by ICANN: here’s how to avoid having this happen
31 July, 2014

After The Oatmeal was forcibly shut down, it's a good idea to learn how you can avoid the same thing from happening to your site.

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We’ve revamped the way you purchase and set up SSL Certificates

We’ve revamped the way you purchase and set up SSL Certificates
31 July, 2014

Purchasing and setting up a SSL certificate looks a little different now. Here's how the new process works and why we updated it.

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