Something happens to your brain with technology. It’s as if it’s been waiting for millennia, for thousands of generations, to have the chance to do as much as the internet allows you to do. The upside to digital innovations is that someone can now start a colossal company from their mother’s basement. The downside is that you’re supposed to start a colossal company from your mother’s basement.
Back in the day, expectations may not have been so high. Every idea didn’t have to come to fruition because it was nearly impossible to set up distribution for your cat sweater business. Now, there are shivering kittens who wish you’d take the five minutes to start your Etsy store. What those cats don’t realize is that all this possibility has made it nearly impossible to be found. The mountain of opportunity has become too easily surmountable and everyone’s clamoring for a piece at the top.
However, from the comforts of your casual wear you can forward your new .ONLINE domain to whichever platform is running your business, whether it is Etsy, Squarepace, Wix, Weebly, or the Website Builder. Even your Facebook page can be a .ONLINE. Twitter? Boom. It can be .ONLINE. Need to be more memorable than Then forward your .ONLINE domain to your LinkedIn profile.
What about all of your content?
Here’s a recent example: Because it’s no longer a difficult, expensive, and time-consuming task, we share a lot of video. We made the one at the top of this post for .ONLINE domains. Shortly thereafter someone watched the video and saw something that should be exploited. So we made another video out of the first video before someone else thought it might be better as a .GIF.
That all happened within one afternoon, and you live that every day. You’re churning out more content and ideas than your entire family tree was ever allowed to act upon. Where should it live? Well since you’re online, then get .ONLINE. With a .ONLINE domain you don’t have to compromise on the domain name. Simply get the name you want for your bricks and mortar store, your products, and your ideas.
But with everything moving so quickly, there’s something we should stress: you can get the name you want because .ONLINE is new. Don’t wait and miss out.