It’s been another amazing month of discovering new customers who are using New Domains to make their mark online. Check out these creative URLs and their associated websites.
This organization helps nonprofits get the resources they need to succeed. They are known for putting on Denver Gives Week each year, which coincides with their URL, This domain is a short, simple way for visitors to navigate to their website.
Coachella recently registered to redirect to their live streaming page. Rather than forcing users to navigate through a maze of menus to watch a live event, this URL makes it easy for visitors to get to the exact page they’re looking for.
This dance and fitness studio in Brazil uses the domain to tell visitors more about what their business does. Because .DANCE is a less crowded space than traditional domains, it’s easier for businesses like this one to register their names without having to add characters or purchase it from an existing owner.
This online store which offers plus-sized clothing for women uses the domain for its main website. Because the URL is an exact match for their domain, they were able to create a unique URL that is shorter than what they could achieve with a traditional domain ending.
This website for bourbon and spirits enthusiasts uses, which redirects to their main website, This domain is much shorter and easier to type, and is even an exact match for their name.