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May 06, 2016

We’ve been locked out of our Instagram account and need your help

If you’re a big Instagram user, you may have noticed that we haven’t posted on’s Instagram account in quite some time. We know—we’ve been locked out of our account for months and we need your help to get it back!

If you’re a big Instagram user, you may have noticed that we haven’t posted on’s Instagram account in quite some time. We know—we’ve been locked out of our account for months and we need your help to get it back!

It’s a dark time at

You may be thinking, “Jeez, how hard is it to just reset the password and continue on your merry way?” Well, apparently the answer is very hard. We’ve tried every password reset tactic in the book, but no matter how hard we try, our account remains out of our reach.

So we then attempted to get in touch with Instagram directly, but it’s easier said than done. Here’s how it works when we try to get in touch with them:

We head to the Instagram help center and choose the relevant prompts until we get to this form.

Instagram help center

Once we fill out the relevant details and attach proof of identity, we hit the Send button and cross our fingers that maybe this time something good will happen. About half the time we don’t get any response at all. Boo. But when we’re lucky, we get an email like this one.

first email from Instagram

Yay! Even though we already provided this information in our help request, it’s cool, we can send it again. So we hit reply, send them our proof of identity once more, and request some help getting the situation resolved. But then this happens.

Instagram no reply

Say what? So now we’re back to square one and in an endless circle of Instagram/Facebook support that doesn’t actually go anywhere.

Here’s where you come in

We really like Instagram when we can actually use it, so we’d love to get this situation resolved. And since traditional methods aren’t working, we’re hoping to make enough noise that the folks at Instagram take notice. That’s where you come in! If you could watch, like, share, and/or tweet, our video about getting locked out of Instagram, it would mean a lot to us. Remember to tag both Instagram and!

Have you had the same thing happen to you? Or do you have any secret tips on getting in touch with someone who can help? We want to know! Reach out to us on Twitter through our handle @namedotcom.

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