If you haven’t already figured it out by now, company culture is a big part of what makes Name.com, well, Name.com. But every once in a while there’s a reminder of just how eccentric our office really is.
We recently received an email of utmost importance from Jon, who has been dubbed our Team Culture President (we’re pretty sure he just made up the title and voted himself into the role). In it, he urged us to take the following survey at our earliest convenience:
After a completely legitimate, non-rigged vote from employees—
—the votes were in. Here’s what Namers really want to increase their overall happiness while at work:
There were a few write in answers from our more creative coworkers as well:
Because the office cat idea was quickly shot down despite its overwhelming popularity (which is just unfair since it DEFINITELY was not voted on multiple times by the same person), we have this to look forward to at the end of the month.
There really is no place like Name.com
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