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April 03, 2014

Customer Highlight: How DMC Sewer and Water Repair Uses Their New .CONSTRUCTION Domain

Ever wonder who’s actually using the New Domains and how they’re using them?

Meet DMC Sewer and Water Repair, located in Colorado Springs. They’re a specialized excavation company and the proud new owner of ColoradoSprings.CONSTRUCTION, a brand new, market-centered domain. Market-specific domains like .CONSTRUCTION are incredibly popular New Domain options because they help carve out a digital industry niche, creating localized market communities that are easier to network in and navigate through. By grabbing a .CONSTRUCTION site with a relevant geographic tag like “Colorado Springs,” DMC Sewer and Water Repair is at the forefront of innovating the construction niche online.

Elizabeth Clarey, office administrator and billing manager for DMC, explains how the company is using the New Domain, why they took the New Domain plunge, and what the reaction has been so far.

Note: Elizabeth is married to Danny Clarey, the owner of DMC, and Danny is the bro-ha of our amazing compliance officer Ryan Clarey. Is featuring them on our decidedly wonderful blog nepotism? Why yes, yes it is. But we’ll feature your New Domain site on our blog too, if you comment on this article! Why did you decide to register a .CONSTRUCTION domain?

Clarey: When we found out that we could register a .CONSTRUCTION domain, we were really excited. Having a .CONSTRUCTION domain applies to our company and sets us apart from our competition. We chose “Colorado Springs” because it is our place of business, so we’ll be more easily located when people are searching for excavators in our city.

How is your company using the domain space?

We have forwarded coloradosprings.CONSTRUCTION to our current domain, DMCSewerAndWaterRepair.COM, and hope that the New Domain will make it easier for potential customers to find us.

How’s the New Domain been working for you so far?

We’ve only had the domain for a short time, but we predict we’ll get more hits on our webpage and more work by having this New TLD!

When you tell people about New Domains and how you’re using this one, what is their reaction?

Most people have not yet heard about the .CONSTRUCTION extension, however when we tell them about it they become really excited and think it is a great idea for our company.


Are you the proud owner of a New Domain and you want to share how you’re using it with us, on our blog? Comment below and we’ll get in touch with you.

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