Tagged with General
.CHARITY domains are now available for registration

Search & register domain names along with web hosting, website builders, SSL certificates, premium & expiring domain names, and new domains.
7 reasons to use .DESIGN

Search & register domain names along with web hosting, website builders, SSL certificates, premium & expiring domain names, and new domains.
Easy ways to set up a “Domain for sale” page

If you're a domain investor looking to sell your domains, let direct visitors know it is available for sale with a simple sales landing page.
A guide to SFTP key file setup for FileZilla

Add more security to your hosting account by enabling STFP key file setup in cPanel. Here's how you can do it for the FileZilla FTP client.
How to generate a SSH key in cPanel

Need help accessing SFTP in cPanel? Due to a recent update you'll need to set up an SSH key for access. Here is how.
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