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August 18, 2015

Denver Gives Week |The gift that keeps on giving

At we love seeing people happy. Even if you’re mad, we pride ourselves on turning that angry funk face upside down (pretty sure the frown version of that phrase is trademarked). With Denver Gives Week we got the chance to help with the world’s supply of happy by supporting hundreds of global nonprofits. They converged upon Denver to find out how they can help even more. The Denver Gives logo pretty much says it all.


We met a lot of people. People-that-humble-you people. You probably know someone like that. Really smart people who’ve taken pay cuts to make a difference for those who desperately need it.

Denver Gives—or www.Denver.Gives for convenient branded navigation—is in its first year. It’s essentially several amazing people organizing five days to help nonprofits, philanthropists, and charitable organizations do what they do.

Consider it something like a techy startup week but only for nonprofits. All week long, we did our Man on the Street, seminars, panels, happy hours, cupcakes, and even an event Screen Shot 2015-08-13 at 5.41.38 PMthat turned selfies into something useful.

There were people dropping in from Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, and from Colorado State University to share what they knew about doing more with less. I know it’s a little bit removed, but we thank you for supporting us so we can help support those who do the real supporting. We’ll continue on this mission so that you can focus on your dreams (which may very well change the world), and organizations like Denver Gives Week can help those who do good do even better.

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