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August 11, 2017

4 tips for increasing your blog traffic

Once you start your first blog, write an incredible article, and hit that publish button, it’s easy to expect the blog views to roll in overnight. Unfortunately, that’s not always what happens—it takes active promotion and a little strategy to build a blog audience. If you’re first starting out, here are a few tips for driving more traffic to your blog posts.

Keep SEO in mind

SEO, or search engine optimization, may sound like this big, daunting thing, but as long as you’re using common sense while writing new content, it’s pretty straightforward. Being mindful about the keywords you want to optimize, and using the type of language that people would naturally search for, will help the content you write rank well organically. There are also some great tools out there you can use to make search engine optimization simple.

Promote your content on social media

One of the easiest ways to get more visitors to your blog (especially in its early stages) is to share it with people you already know through social media. Even though it might be a little embarrassing at first to promote your pet project to friends, a lot of them will be willing to read and share your content with their own network of friends, instantly amplifying the amount of reach that you have. Using hashtags where they’re relevant is another great way to leverage an existing online audience that is likely to be interested in your content.

Allow users to opt into email alerts

Remember that your website visitors have busy lives and probably follow a handful of blogs outside of your own that they follow. Keeping your content top of mind through gentle reminders will help you build an audience of loyal readers who keep coming back. Add a feature to your website that allows your readers to opt into email alerts whenever you post a new article. Or, create a regular newsletter or blog roundup that is sent to your visitors periodically.

Create helpful content

Most people turn to the internet when they’re looking for useful information or trying to figure out how to do something. Writing about a topic that you have expertise in is one of the best ways to bring in curious new visitors who are interested in learning more about your subject of choice. Good content will attract qualified traffic, and if they find the information helpful, chances are that they’ll return to your blog in the future.

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